Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ehow Week 2 update.

Here's the numbers:

Total articles written: 54
Total Views: 3,379
Total Articles that have been rated: 16
Total Recommendations: 7
Total Friends: 37
Total Points: 5718
Total Articles Earning Money: 9

Total Money Made: $4.07

It looks as though I will get paid after my first month at eHow! This is incredibly exciting since it's not that usual for someone to get paid only one month in. In fact, some of the biggest earners on eHow say that they didn't make enough the first month to be paid. I posted on the forums about my excitement that I think I will just barely squeak by with the ten dollar minimum and one of the experienced eHowers told me that my articles are well chosen and well written and I just may double that amount. It's cool to have that kind of support and encouragement. I'm really enjoying the entire community of eHow. When I first started writing, I didn't think I would jump into the forums and all of that, but they are all so helpful and nice. It's a very encouraging place.

As far as earnings go, there is still no pattern. On Wednesday I had absolutely no new earnings but then today my earnings jumped by over a dollar. I'd love it if I continued to earn a dollar each day but I know that I am not quite to that level yet. I'm just excited to see where this is all going. For so long now I have been searching for more ways to work from home. ChaCha has been a godsend but obviously it's not a perfect plan. I've never really considered writing for pay before. I don't know why. I mean, I did minor in English in collge. I taught English for two years. And yet, writing as a career has never crossed my mind. I feel like an idiot for never trying this before!

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